Foundry Products
• Feeder Sleeves

  - Straight Cylindirical Sleeves
  - Oval Sleeves
  - Neckdown Sleeves
  - Oval Neckdown Sleeves
  - High Exothermic Cylindirical Sleeves
  - High Exothermic Oval Sleeves

Insulating Top Covers

• Mini Risers

• Topping Compounds

Mould and Core Binders

 - Self Setting Binders
 - CO2 Cured Binders

• Mould and Core Coatings

• Insulation Products

• Ladle Linings

Related Documents

 - Technical Papers
 - Case Studies
Meltshop Products

• Nozzle Filling Compound

• Topping Compounds

Carbon Products

 - Carbon Raisers
 - Carbon Injection Material
• Hot Tops


UZT Cold Ladle Linings are the solution of many ladle problems.

High heat losses during metal transfer,
Problems with preheating equipment and preheating costs,
Slag residue and other contaminations on ladle surface from previous castings,
Problems arising from application of conventional ladle linings.

To achieve lower transport and storage costs, UZT consists of mainly one base and ten side boards. These boards can be assambled outside the ladle without any need for heat supply and expensive equipment and can be stored as assembled.
Since a new set of these plates are used for each metal transfer, there are no slag or other impurity contamination which helps foundrymen to achieve the highest quality of metal on each pour
Even though the conventional linings seems inexpensive, using UZT cold ladle linings have lower costs because UZT doesn’t need any expensive, inefficient and slow preheating procedure. Because of the lower thermal loss, UZT plates give the foundrymen the ability to work with lower furnace output temperatures and longer ladle waiting periods.
During this waiting period, UZT distinguishes from other linings with its lower gas emissions..